Dear Mr Brown (a letter from a taxpayer)

Dear Mr. Brown,

You will have to pardon me if I am tooooo rude, but being called a terrorist is not really my idea of polite insinuation. Now, this is what I wanted to tell you.

There is theory out there, been around awhile and it says "what goes up must come down" now I realise the concept might be foreign to you and some of the British investors, but this little theory applies to finance also. Really Mr. Brown, this is not a very complicated concept, even little ole me figured that out ever so long ago.

Now, here is a lesson if people invest their money, regardless if their are told that the investment will be in a low or high risk fund, these same people must if they have anything between those things called ears, realise that if you invest you take a risk, you can win, you can loose, but you are the one who signed the paper and made the investment. So lets say it again, what goes up, must come down.

Now, Mr Brown, you as a leader of country have done a terrible thing, you have placed a stamp on a small nation fighting for its survival (because of few fucked up individuals, pardon the French)the label being terrorists, yes indeed, you Mr. Brown hung us out to dry, you sir acted like a rapid pit bull and destroyed the only bank left standing, you sir have by your actions done more damage to your own people, and possibly the western alliance by your own stupid ignorant actions. (not to mention finding a scapegoat to save your not so royal ...)

Thank you ever so much, for handing us on a plate to the Russian Bear, yummy, so sweet of you Mr. Brown and so comforting to your people to know, that just maybe you friendly neighbour will have not so friendly financial backing, that is not so friendly to Britain.

Indeed, let us hope that my government will show more sense this time around, and take the help from the IMF. But never fear Mr. Brown, you are just a politician, just like the Icelandic politicians who did not heed the warning signs, who looked at the US and ignored the danger, this does not exclude my governments blind eye to the greed of the few, but thats another letter.

You see, greed, and power is causing the world as we know it to collapse around us, it is what I,  who will have to pay for the greed of 30 or so individuals,  have always known, what goes up, must come down, But don´t worry Mr. Brown, we will honor our obligations to your country, we will do what has to be done, and we will not cry over it, we will simply do what we have always done, survive.

Will the same be said of your nation.......

 Vengeance is mine said the Lord.

Best of luck and kind regards to the regular Brit who like me, are simple taxpayer, not power hungry, greedy rats, or a despot politician who kicks a friend when he is down.

Here Mr. Brown, let me give you a hand..


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1 Smámynd: Guðsteinn Haukur Barkarson

I surely hope that Mr. Brown or someone else from the UK reads this great text, because he has also started a prejaduce against Icelanders in general. Some of them are victims to racism as we speek. So thanks Linda for this letter, and I hope that Mr. Brown will make amends (if that is possible) for the terrible damage he has down.

Guðsteinn Haukur Barkarson, 11.10.2008 kl. 18:52

2 Smámynd: Helga Guðrún Eiríksdóttir

I sure hopes he reads it himself beause I´ve been living in his beautiful country, England, for over 7 years. All of a sudden I´m being shouted at because I´m Icelandic and my little 9 years old girl was asked by her classmate: "You´re Icelandic, are you our enemy now?".

Mr. Brown. -What should I tell my little daughter? -Is she?

Helga Guðrún Eiríksdóttir, 11.10.2008 kl. 19:11

3 Smámynd: Linda

Thanks Haukur, we think alike.

Hi Helga, I think its just terrible that your family is being attaced, I wonder what other stories we are not hearing.  Love to you and your family.

Regards to you both.


Linda, 11.10.2008 kl. 19:23

4 Smámynd: halkatla

eitt orð: snilld! ég ætla að linka á þetta hjá mér - Thank you so much m´lady

halkatla, 11.10.2008 kl. 21:38

5 Smámynd: Linda

Thank you Anna, you are the best.

Linda, 11.10.2008 kl. 21:50

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