Já það er í lagi að hafa húmor þó maður trúi á Jesú :)

A man went on a vacation to Florida from their home in Alaska. He waits for his wife to come the next day to stay with him. He tries to e-mail her trying to remember it. He messes up, and instead his e-mail gets to a preacher's wife whose husband died the day before. The message says: "Having fun, but it sure is hot down here. I cant wait for your arrival here soon."  Grin

An elderly woman died last month. Having never married, she requested no male pallbearers. In her handwritten instructions for her memorial service, she wrote, "They Wouldn't take me out while I was alive -- I don't want them to take me out when I'm dead.   

A man and his wife  were having an argument about who should brew the coffee.
The husband said, " You are in charge of the cooking around here so you should do it."
The wife replied, "No you should do it, and besides it is in the Bible that the man should do the coffee."
The husband replied, "Yeah, right!" So she showed him in the Bible where it says:  "HEBREWS"


HaloAfter God created man, he rested. But after God created woman, neither God nor man rested.

A man went on a nature walk. A bear began to chase him, so he climbed a tree. As he was climbing he slipped down into the bear's arms.  He prayed "Lord let this be a Christian bear."  The bear said "Lord thank you for this food."W00t

Alltaf gott að hafa húmor fyrir sjálfum sér, fleirri brandarar hér



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1 Smámynd: Margrét St Hafsteinsdóttir

Hahahaha  Góðir.   

Margrét St Hafsteinsdóttir, 21.4.2007 kl. 10:59

2 Smámynd: Linda

Takk fyrir innlitið Margrét  

Linda, 21.4.2007 kl. 17:38

3 Smámynd: Helena Leifsdóttir

Ég fíla þessa..

Helena Leifsdóttir, 21.4.2007 kl. 21:53

4 Smámynd: Hulda Dagmar Magnúsdóttir

hahaha algjör snilld.....  björguðu deginum

Hulda Dagmar Magnúsdóttir, 22.4.2007 kl. 13:50

5 Smámynd: Guðsteinn Haukur Barkarson

Hrifnastur var ég af þessum:

After God created man, he rested. But after God created woman, neither God nor man rested.

HAHAHAHAHA ... aint that the truth !! 

Guðsteinn Haukur Barkarson, 23.4.2007 kl. 10:59

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