og við íhugum stjórnarsamstarf við

Þetta lið, samkvæmt fréttum úr fréttablaðinu í gær.  Hvað gengur okkur til?  AF hverju finnum við ekki Ósama í leiðinni og gerum hann að Íslandsvini.  Í hvernig heimi búum við að það sé hægt að réttlæta stjórnarsamstarf  við fólk sem vill útríma Ísrael.   Það sorglegasta við þetta allt saman er þetta, Palestína er ekki land eða ríki Palestína er svæði.

Sjáið hvað leiðtogar hafa sagt í gegn um árin.

"The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct 'Palestinian people' to oppose Zionism.

"For tactical reasons, Jordan, which is a sovereign state with defined borders, cannot raise claims to Haifa and Jaffa. While as a Palestinian, I can undoubtedly demand Haifa, Jaffa, Beer-Sheva and Jerusalem. However, the moment we reclaim our right to all of Palestine, we will not wait even a minute to unite Palestine and Jordan."   (PLO executive committee member Zahir Muhsein, March 31, 1977, interview with the Dutch newspaper Trouw.)


Quoting Joseph Farah, Arab-American journalist: There is no language known as Palestinian. There is no distinct Palestinian culture. There has never been a land known as Palestine governed by Palestinians. Palestinians are Arabs, indistinguishable from Jordanians (another recent invention), Syrians, Lebanese, Iraqis, etc. Keep in mind that the Arabs control 99.9 percent of the Middle East lands. Israel represents one-tenth of 1 percent of the landmass...Greed. Pride. Envy. Covetousness. No matter how many land concessions the Israelis make, it will never be enough...

Ef ofangreint hefur ekki áhrif þá kannski mun þetta gera það: ég læt bréfið vera óþýtt svo að ekkert orð týnist úr frásögunni.

Exodus of the
Palestinian Christians

Dear Sir:

The Palestinian Christian is an endangered species. When the modern state of Israel was established there were about 400,000 of us. Two years ago the number was down to 80000. Now it’s down to 60000. At that rate, in a few years there will be none of us left.

Palestinian Christians within Israel fare little better. On the face of it, their number has grown by 20000 since 1991. But this is misleading, for the census classification ‘Christian’ includes some 20000 recent non-Arab migrants from the former Soviet Union.
So why are Palestinian Christians abandoning their homeland?

We have lost hope, that’s why. We are treated as non-people. Few outside the Middle East even know we exist, and those who do, conveniently forget.

 Kíkið hér til að sjá fréttir um ofbeldi gegn Kristnu fólki í Gaza, nema auðvitað að Arabar skipti meira máli enn Kristnir. 


Ég er ekki að segja að Ísrael sé fullkomið í öllu því sem þeir gera, enda ekkert nema menn, sem gera ljóta hluti eins og mönnum er vant.  Hinsvegar er þessi barátta Palestínu manna ekki réttlát, því miður, og ég mun nota þennan vettvang til þess að sína það aftur og aftur og aftur, ég mun nota þeirra eigin orð um svæðið dæma þá. 

The religious ideology of the Palestinian Authority religious leaders can be summarized by eight essential principles:

Regarding the Jews:

Jews are the enemy of Allah.


Islam is fighting a continuous religious war against the Jews.


The killing of Jews is a religious obligation.


Palestinians are the vanguard in this war against the Jews, and all Islamic nations are obligated to assist in this war.

Regarding Israel:

- All of the land between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea (which includes all of Israel) is a religious Waqf -- an Islamic religious trust. Any Moslem who relinquishes any part to Israel is damned to Hell.

- All agreements with Israel are inherently temporary in nature, and are signed only because of Israel's temporary balance of power advantage.

- Allah will replace Moslems who shirk their obligation to battle Israel.

- The ultimate destruction of Israel is a certainty.

And then in the Friday sermon on Palestinian TV (May 4, 2001):

"...In our holy books [it is written] that when a state for the Jews is established in Palestine, it will not last more than 67 years. In other words -- the year 2022. And I beg Allah to bring an end to the country of the oppressor in America, and the country of the oppressor Israel in Palestine, by that date... Therefore, it is our hope that this oppressive country [Israel] will be terminated, as in the words of Allah..."

* *

"Palestine... causes the Jews to lose sleep, causes the enemies of Allah throughout the land to lose sleep... It is a bleeding wound, and it will continue to bleed forever and ever... Jerusalem is a symbol... to the Moslems and to their war of Jihad forever and ever." (Palestinian TV, August 11, 2000)

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