Já þetta virðist koma mörgum á óvart

Enn ég hef lesið um þetta lengi, eða eitthvað þessu líkt, ég er bara ekki svo auðtrúa að Palestína sé saklausa lambið í öllu sem gengur á þarna fyrir Austan, viti menn og núna er hin secular pressa að komast á snoðir um þetta og kannski við förum að fá réttlátan fréttflutning frá þessu svæði.  Bendi fólki á síðuna  honest reporting og teach kids peace til þess að geta skilið hvað er í gangi, þurfum við að hafa alla myndina.   neðangreint er afritað úr tölvupósti sem ég fékk, mér var sagt að koma þessu á framfæri, ég nota þennan vettvang til þess.

Protect the Children of Gaza

Children are being murdered and maimed in Gaza at an alarming rate. A large number of the 63 Palestinians killed and over 400 wounded since the beginning of the year have been children. As we reported previously, when the United Nation's Special Representative for Children and Armed Conflict recently visited Gaza, she was highly critical of Israeli security polices for being detrimental to Palestinian children. Yet with all the children being killed right now by Palestinian violence, one wonders at her current silence.  

The following is an account from Haaretz of the carnage in just a single week:

On Monday, 12-year-old Muhammad al-Saadiwas killed in northern Gaza by a stray bullet shot during an exchange of fire by rival clans near his home. Five-year-old Iyat al-Jaradwas critically injured in the head also by a stray bullet while playing near her house in Beit Lahia...

On Wednesday, two 12-year-oldswere killed in the northern Strip and in Gaza City. One was killed by a bullet accidentally firedfrom a weapon found in his home; the other was killed in a random shootingnear his house. Also a 27-year-old woman was killedin the Bureij refugee camp during a shoot-out between clans. In other incidents, a member of military intelligence and a 12-year-old boywere wounded by gunfire during a confrontation between rival families; two youthswere injured in the northern part of Gaza when an explosive device went off...

TeachKidsPeace asks where are all the front page media stories about the deaths of these children? Where is the international condemnation? Where are the mass rallies of grief? Can it be that the sympathy for murdered children is dependent on who is accused of the crime?

The death of an innocent child is a tragedy. No one should ignore the carnage taking place every day on the streets of Hamas-controlled Gaza simply because it is a result of Palestinian violence.

We ask that you contact your local media and political representatives and demand that the deaths of all children be given equal attention.

Stop Child Abuse. Teach Kids Peace.

Please forward this e-mail to whomever you feel might

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