Kristnir sæta lygum og ofsóknum í Egyptalandi, ekkert nýtt, jú fyrir Íslendinga að vita

Þessi grein er á ensku, ég enfaldlega afritaði hana í stað þess að þýða, eins og ég hef gert oft áður, hinsvegar mun ég bólda og þýða lykilatriði.


10 Christians, 1 Muslim Killed in Sectarian Clashes in Egypt GMT 4-6-2013 19:6:57 Assyrian International News Agency To unsubscribe or set email news digest options, visit Cairo (AINA) --

Clashes between Muslims and Christians erupted yesterday in the Al-Khosous district of Qaliubia province. According to reports, ten Coptic Christians and one Muslim were killed. The violence broke out after swastikas were drawn on the side of a mosque wall. The Muslims claimed the swastikas were drawn by Christian children, but the Qaliubia security forces manager, Mohamad Yousry , said it was two Muslim children who drew the swastikas and that the mosque Imam chided p them. Öryggis vörður Qaliubia fyrirtækisins, Mohamad Yousry, sagði að það hafi komið í ljós að tveir Muslimskir krakkar hafi átt sök, þau hafi fengið skammir frá Imam Moskunnar, Vá.  But some Christians and Muslims got involved in the incident and it escalated from there. He added that rumors of Christians drawing crosses on the mosque's walls were circulated by Muslims.  síðan gengu sögur um að Kristnir hafi verið að teikna/mála krossa á Moskur, út frá því hafi Salafi Múslimar byrjað að safnast saman fyrir utan Koptísku krikjuna  St. Georges.Salafi Muslims began congregating in side streets near the Coptic Church of St. Georges. Christians formed a human shield to prevent them from approaching. Witnesses said the Muslims shot at the church and disappeared into the side streets.  Kristnir einstaklingar vildu vernda kirkjuna og umkringdu hana líkt og mannlegur skjöldur, Múslimar skutu á fólkið sem stóð fyrir framan kirkjuna og drepið........According to Father Sourial Younan, the priest of St. Georges Church, the Copts were killed in front of the church by gun shots. Pastors in Al-Khosous called several TV stations and NGOs early yesterday evening to express their fear that if this incidents was not confined it would spread to neighboring areas, including Ain Shams and Zoreibat. Father Younan warned of impending bloodshed. Father Younan said he was locked inside the church with another priest and 50 Copts and stayed inside until the early hours of today. "It was as if war had broken out. We peeped through the windows and saw Coptic youth slain in front of the church, and families carrying their wounded away." He criticized the police, who arrived two hours late, and security forces, who arrived 5 hours late. "Destruction and arson took place in the presence of police, who were unable to control the attack." He said that later there was an armored vehicle calling on inhabitants to stay in their homes so that they can deal with the terrorists. There was street fighting throughout the night (video). According to Coptic activists Nader Shoukry, these events were prompted by direct incitement from the neighboring Muslim religious institution, which belongs to Al-Azhar, to "purify the region of Christians." According to Father Younan, there was a feud between a Coptic family named Samir Iskandar and a Muslim family, which may have been the spark that caused the violence. He believes that what started yesterday's clashes was that Muslims from that family sexually harassed Coptic girls from the Iskandar family, which started the fight between them. "A fight between two families," Talið er að þetta hafi byrjað vegna Kristinnar stúlku sem var áreitt af múslimskum mannni, og þar hafi deila byrjað á milla tveggja fjölskildna. (það tíðkast í mið-austurlöndu að ræna kristnum stúlkum, neyða þær in í Islam, hóta síðan foreldrum að ef þau geri eitthvað í málinu verði stúlkan drepin. (Orð innan sviga mín orð, frá eldri fréttum í gegnum tíðina, og skil ég því ótta fólksins afskaplega vel.)said Father Younan, "what has this to do with the church?" But Many activists and politicians believe the incident was orchestrated by the regime to cover up the turmoil and demonstrations in the country. Mohamad Abu Hamed, a former MP, said "It is not possible that every time the regime wants to cover-up its failure, the Copts are attacked and their churches burned." Although the Governor and security forces claim everything is under control, Father Younan believes it is "the calm before the storm." It was reported that Christian families have started leaving Al-Khosour for fear of renewed clashes. Security forces said they are in the process of arranging a "reconciliation" meeting between the two parties, "during which the Copts are expected to give up all their rights as usual," Said Coptic activist Wagih Yacoub. Faðir younan trúir því að að lognið sé undanfari frekari árása (enda ekki skritið þannig hefur það verið hingað til, hafi fólk fylgst með, mín orð innan sviga) Sögur herma að Kristnir flýja Al-hosour vegna ótta við aukið ofbeldi og átaka.  Öryggis-hermenn segja að þeir séu að vinna í því að koma á viðræðum milli þessara tveggja hópa, sem samkvæmt Koptíska aktivistanum Wagih Yacoub verður krafist að Kristnir gefi upp öll réttindi. (með öðrum orðum sæta , þræla Jizya, undirokun og ofbeldi sé hann ekki greiddur. Orð innan sviga mín, ef fólk veit ekki hvað Jizya skattur er)

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