4000 žśsund Mśslimar rįšast į Kristna Kirkju og heimili ķ Egyptalandi

Žaš mį meš sönnu segja aš ekkert af žessu komi mér į óvart, žegar öfgar eru annars vegar. ķ žessari frétt sem ég tengi viš žetta blogg sjįum viš žar sem 4000 Mśslķmar taka sig til aš rįšast į Kristna ķ borg nįlęgt Cairo nįnar tiltekiš Bromil Egyptalandi, žegar ungur mašur sem er Kristinn gerist svo kręfur aš verša įstfangin af Mśslķmskri stślku, ekki nóg meš žaš, heldur er rįšist į heimiliš hans, sem er eyšilagt, auk žess žar sem var fašir stślkunnar drepinn žar sem hann neitaš aš fremja heišursmorš.  Ekkert er vitaš um 4 starfsmenn koptķsku kirkjunnar sem varš fyrir įrįs um er aš ręša 3 djįkna og prest žeir svara ekki gsm sķmum sķnum, óttast er um lķf žeirra.... Hęgt er aš lesa alla fréttina hér fyrir nešan. Hef sent hana į mbl, en eingin višbrögš hafa fengist frį žeim aš svo stöddu.



Nearly 4000 Muslims Attack Christian Homes in Egypt, Torch Church GMT 3-5-2011 4:20:23 Assyrian International News Agency To unsubscribe or set email news digest options, visit http://www.aina.org/mailinglist.html (AINA) --

A mob of nearly four thousand Muslims has attacked Coptic homes this evening in the village of Soul, Atfif in Helwan Governorate, 30 kilometers from Cairo, and torched the Church of St. Mina and St. George. There are conflicting reports about the whereabouts of the Church pastor Father Yosha and three deacons who were at church; some say they died in the fire and some say they are being held captive by the Muslims inside the church.

Witnesses report the mob prevented the fire brigade from entering the village. The army, which has been stationed for the last two days in the village of Bromil, 7 kilometers from Soul, initially refused to go into Soul, according to the officer in charge. When the army finally sent three tanks to the village, Muslim elders sent them away, saying that everything was "in order now."

A curfew has been imposed on the 12,000 Christians in the village. This incident was triggered by a relationship between 40-year-old Copt Ashraf Iskander and a Muslim woman. Yesterday a "reconciliation" meeting was arranged between the relevant Coptic and Muslim families and together with the Muslim elders it was decided that Ashraf Iskander would have to leave the village because Muslims torched his house.

The father of the Muslim woman was killed by his cousin because he did not kill his daughter to preserve the family's honor, which led the woman's brother to avenge the death of his father by killing the cousin. The village Muslims blamed the Christians. The Muslim mob attacked the church, exploding 5-6 gas cylinders inside the church, pulled down the cross and the domes and burnt everything inside.

Activist Ramy Kamel of Katibatibia Coptic advocacy called US-based Coptic Hope Sat TV and sent an SOS on behalf of the Copts in Soul village, as they are presently being attacked by the mob. He also said that no one is able to contact the priest and the deacons inside the burning church and there is no answer from their mobile phones.

Coptic activist Wagih Yacoub reported the mob has broken into Coptic homes and has called on Copts to leave the village. "Terrorized Copts have fled and some hid in homes of Muslim neighbors," he added. Witnesses said the mob chanted "Allahu Akbar" and vowed to conduct their morning prayers on the church plot after razing it. By Mary Abdelmassih This item is available as: html Copyright (C) 2011, Assyrian International News Agency. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use.

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1 Smįmynd: Vendetta

Jį, öfgasinnašir mśslķmar eru eins og örgustu villidżr. En heilalausir og meš enga sišferšiskennd. Rķkin ķ Noršur-Afrķku eru smįm saman aš verša eins og Ķran. Eftir fįein įr veršur komiš į sharia-lögum ķ öllum rķkjum frį Rauša hafinu til Atlantshafsins.

Vendetta, 5.3.2011 kl. 13:24

2 Smįmynd: Linda

Mikiš rétt V, žaš er fįtt hręšilegra en sś žróun sem viš horfum nś upp į ķ heiminum ķ dag. Eina ljósiš sem viš sjįum er ķ Fraklandi žar sem 11 aprķl nęstkomandi veršur burkan veršur bönnuš meš öllu og sś sem brżtur lögin veršur sektuš, auk žess ef žaš kemur ķ ljós aš viškomandi kona er ķ žessum klęšaburši vegna kśgunnar veršur eiginmašurinn sektašur 30 žśsund evrur.  Önnur Evrópu lönd žurfa žvķ aš taka žetta sama skref.  žaš er bara eitt af mörgum til žess aš koma öfgasinnum frį. 

Öfgasinnar ķ Egyptalandi hafa lįtiš ķ sér heira įšur, en žįverandi stjórn sį til žess aš halda žeim ķ skefjum, nśna er öldin önnur og žaš liggur viš aš mašur haldi nišri ķ sér andanum į mešan bešiš er eftir žvķ aš sjį hver višbrögšin verša hjį nżrri stjórn. 

Linda, 5.3.2011 kl. 17:18

Bęta viš athugasemd

Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.


Trúuð 42 árs(dæs) og glöð að eiga góða vini og fjölsk. Elska dýrin mín oft meira enn mannskepnuna, þau eru bara svo miklu auðveldari   Eitthvað fór það fyrir hjartað á sumum að þau skildu ekki sjá eftirnafn mitt..svo ég bæti því hér við Einars. Netfang vonogtru@gmail.com
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